At a glance
650 New Homes
Site and context
The Rawlings Green site comprises approximately 50 hectares (123 acres) of agricultural land located on the eastern side of Chippenham. Its boundaries are defined by the urban edge to the south, the railway line to the west, the River Avon to the east and existing field boundaries to the north. Rawlings Farmhouse, a Grade II listed building, is located on the site and forms part of a working farm yard. The land generally slopes from west to east, towards the river.
Rawlings Green will provide 650 new high quality dwellings and offers the opportunity to create an attractive new neighbourhood that helps meet the growth aspirations of Chippenham and provides a mix of new housing for future generations. Central to its design is the sensitive treatment of the site’s existing landscape and heritage assets, and its social, physical and economic integration with surrounding areas. Our proposals also include the construction of a new bridge over the Network Rail line and part of a relief link road that will provide access to the site and enable the wider future growth aspirations of Chippenham. The development will help to deliver improved connectivity in the area and promote sustainable movement, whilst also providing plentiful high quality green space both within the development and along the bank of the River Avon as well as a new primary school, community facilities, local shops and retirement living.
Current status
The site was successfully allocated through the Local Plan process. An outline application was submitted and consented by Wiltshire's Strategic Planning Committee in September 2020 and the s.106 and decision subsequently issued on 28 October 2021. During 2024, we exchanged contracts with Crest Nicholson to bring forward Rawlings Green and have jointly submitted a Reserved Matters application for phases 1 and 2, respectively.