At a glance
210 New Homes
Awaiting Determination
Site and context
Land at Browns Lane, Tamworth is situated on the northern fringe of Tamworth adjacent to the large conurbation of Perry Crofts. It comprises 12.89 hectares (32 acres) of agricultural land, bound to the south by the single carriageway road of Browns Lane and to the west by Main Road which leads to the village of Wigginton, located approximately 0.4 mile north of the site.
The proposal at land at Browns Lane includes 210 new dwellings, providing a logical urban extension to the northern edge of Tamworth. It will be a place with distinctiveness, having its own identity, character areas and an overall vernacular which positively harmonises with adjoining residential areas to the north. It will include the delivery of functional public open spaces to include new green interconnecting links, key biodiversity enhancements, a western green space to include sustainable urban drainage, socially interactive areas and green play spaces.
Current status
An outline application was submitted and is currently awaiting determination.