At a glance
New Homes
New Retail Units
Site and context
A 3.64ha (8.2 acre) brownfield site adjacent to Ceannt Train Station comprising an expansion of Galway's city centre quarter. This project was secured by way of a Development License Agreement with Córas Iompair Éireann (CIE) and the project is being managed in conjunction with our partners, Edward Capital.
The proposal for Augustine Hill comprises a mixed-use urban regeneration development on a 3.64ha site, arranged over 10 blocks (including 6 residential towers) with an overall proposed gross floor area in excess of 125,000sqm.
The mix of uses includes
- residential (260 apartments)
- retail (26,449sqm) over 1-3 levels comprising 28 retail units and 2 department stores
- 189-bedroom hotel (9,010sqm)
- cafes and restaurants principally contained within the adapted and extended Protected Structures of the Train Shed and the Stables, as well as in the Dining Terrace other uses including a multi-use cultural space and community facilities.
The mix of uses is distributed across different levels both horizontally and vertically, apart from the adaptations to the Protected Structures, with the lower levels generally given over to the public realm and retail/restaurant uses. One of the main external retail ‘streets’ will be covered with latticed timber and glazing to provide shelter from inclement weather. The upper podium level includes a range of restaurants, cafes and terraces with views over the development and/or Galway Bay.
Current status
Preparation of our scheme followed extensive public and stakeholder consultation over the course of 2017-2019. Our planning application was submitted in March 2020 and design changes subsequently made in response to requests for further information (RFI) from planners at Galway City Council (GCC).
On 24 May 2021, GCC granted planning permission for the scheme with conditions in relation to mass, scale and density.
On 28 June 2023, An Bord Pleanála made a decision on the appeal of the Galway City Council decision on the 24th May 2021 to grant planning permission for the redevelopment of the lands adjacent to Ceannt Station, Galway City.