At a glance
New Homes
Site and context
The site comprises approximately 7.95 hectares (20 acres) of land located on the northern edge of Trowbridge in Wiltshire. Its boundaries are defined by the edge of the town to the south and west, the recently constructed Elizabeth Way to the north and agricultural fields to the east. Access is gained via Elizabeth Way and a public footpath that crosses the site from Victoria Road in the South. The confluence of two small watercourses occurs within the western area of the site and the landform generally falls gently towards these features.
The site offers the opportunity to create an attractive neighbourhood that helps meet the growth aspirations of Trowbridge and provides a mix of new housing for future generations across all ages. Central to its design is the sensitive treatment of the site’s existing landscape assets and its integration with established local connections. The development will provide an attractive, connected and distinctive new neighbourhood, including up to 165 new high quality dwellings that include a mix of tenures and cater for a range of lifestyles; public open space, play facilities; new highways access, pedestrian and cycle routes; and sustainable drainage.
Current status
An outline application was submitted in February 2016. Wiltshire council's planning committee resolved to grant permission on 2 December 2020. The planning permission was subsequently issued by Wiltshire Council on 6 May 2021.